Overnight OatsErdbeer-Schoko-Proats

Strawberry Chocolate Proats

We love to enjoy the sunshine with overnight oats! That's why we have a wonderful porridge recipe with chocolate and strawberries.

Süßer PorridgePorridge Tiramisu - Gewinnerrezept der deutschen Meisterschaft

Porridge Tiramisu - Winning Recipe of the German Championship

Have you ever heard of an oat tiramisu? The Golden Porridge Bowl winner Annika came up with a fabulous recipe with blueberry puree and berry crunch for the championship. You can copy the delicious ...

BackenSchokoladige Frühstückswaffeln

Chocolate Breakfast Waffles

With our new variety of fine cocoa you can bake delicious chocolate waffles! The oat dough will keep you full for a long time and start the day with a happy stomach!

BackenVegane Tiramisu Overnight Oats mit Schoko-Mandel-Crunch

Vegan Tiramisu Overnight Oats with Chocolate Almond Crunch

Dessert for breakfast. A dream! We will fulfil your wish in delicious way with a tiramisu made with our delicious chocolate porridge variety.

Süßer Porridge#HALLOKAKAO: Schokoladiges Porridge mit Orange-Kick

#HELLOCACAO: Chocolatey Porridge with an Orange Kick

Our new variety of finer cocoa is here! And of course there is a recipe with a mix of cocoa and orange flavour. Despite the chocolatey sweetness, our porridge is, as always, without added sugar!

BackenBrötchen für Mama Bär

Buns for Mama Bear

Mother's Day is coming up and we have the chance to give our Mama Bear back all the love we have received. The best way to do this is to have a delicious brunch to spend time together and reminisce...